

During 2024, I was appointed Community Artist in Residence at Lyth Arts Centre. As part of this role I established a partnership with Caithness and Sutherland Women’s Aid (CASWA), running creative workshops with survivors of domestic abuse and CASWA staff. Activities included mural making, mask painting, collaborative poetry writing, and monologue writing and performing. At the end of the project I organised a small exhibition showcasing the work produced by the women involved in the project and celebrating the value of art and creativity as a therapeutic intervention.

The project has recently been awarded further funding by Creative Scotland to develop a theatre piece platforming the voices of domestic abuse survivors based in rural communities. A period of research and development will take place at An Tobar and Mull Theatre and Lyth Arts Centre in 2025.

“Art and creativity are a magical way to deal with the worst of humans and what they do.” – Workshop participant


Number 7